In 1606 some of the English businessmen made a new company called The Virginia company. The businessmen wanted to make a colony in Virginia to see if they could find something to make money off of. They sent 120 English settlers to the Americas. The settlement was established as “James Fort” on May 14, 1607. The Native Americans of the Paspahegh tribe initially welcomed and provided crucial provisions and support for the colonists. The relationship quickly changed and the colonists would kill the Native Americans within four years. More than 80 percent of the colonists dies in 1609-10. It was abandoned in 1610, but returned shortly after being resupplied. Jamestown was the colonial capital from 1616-1699. Of the 6,000 people who came to the settlement between 1608 and 1624 ,only 3,400 survived.
Jamestown Blog Post